Advanced Strategic Command

Advanced Strategic Command is a free, turn based strategy game. It is designed in the tradition of the Battle Isle series from Bluebyte and is currently available for Windows and Linux.

ASC can be played

Variants of ASC

ASC 2.6

ASC 2.6 (on Git master branch) is the traditional game engine, for which the campaigns have been designed. This is the best single-player experience available, and the version that is published on SourceForge.

ASC 2.8

ASC 2.8 (on Git newattack branch) has a couple of changes to the game mechanics that were made for Project Battle Planets. These changes broke the campaigns and nobody bothered to fix them so far.
For that reason, this version is recommended for participants of Project Battle Planets only and is published on that site.

How to play

While the single player campaigns are certainly entertaining, the biggest appeal for most players is the Play-by-Mail approach.

If you are interested, visit the Forum and ask for other players to join you in a game!

Development Status


The ASC application is stable and mature. Active development has been suspended, since the last thing the game engine needs is yet more features and complexity.

The map editor features a LUA scripting engine that allows for creation of extensions.


A number of maps are shipped with the standard ASC package, but there are more maps around. Since most map making efforts have gone into the Project Battle Planets, new multi-player maps are always welcome, especially smaller ones! Grab the map editor and go :-)

Unit sets

ASC features a number of unit sets. They evolved over the years and grew in complexity, as did the game engine itself.

Creating new unit sets is not very complicated - check out the knowledgebase for details.