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Railroad Guns are the ultimate artillery on land. Its primary heavy grenade cannon out-ranges even the powerful Turret Emplacement. A Railroad Gun can, if slowly, travel by rail, making it a dreaded instrument of destruction. The grenade cannon can decimate an unsuspecting enemy within seconds. It has a limited ammunition storage, so the Railroad guns are often seen accompanied by Ammunition Transports.

Weapon Systems


Can shoot after movement NO

Weapon Systems

Weapon System 0
Name cannon
Min Range 5
Max Range 9
Punch @ Min Range 120
Punch @ Max Range 90
Ammo 10
Reactionfire Shot Count 1
Can be fired YES
Can transfer ammo

Operating Height

Targets floating
ground level
Usable on floating
ground level

Target Accuracy: Unit Types

default 100%
light tracked vehicle 80%
medium tracked vehicle 90%
heavy tracked vehicle 100%
light wheeled vehicle 80%
medium wheeled vehicle 90%
heavy wheeled vehicle 100%
trooper 90%
rail vehicle 90%
medium aircraft 100%
medium ship 90%
building / turret / object 110%
light aircraft 100%
heavy aircraft 100%
light ship 80%
heavy ship 100%
helicopter 100%
hoovercraft 90%

Target Accuracy: Altitude Difference

-6 n.a.
-5 n.a.
-4 n.a.
-3 n.a.
-2 n.a.
-1 n.a.
0 100%
1 n.a.
2 n.a.
3 n.a.
4 n.a.
5 n.a.
6 n.a.
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